Ruin at the end of the third trade, namely one win followed by for trading. The greater the probability of success, the lower the risk two consecutive losses of ruin. Similarly, the lower the fraction of capital that is exposed to 3. One of two possible routes to ruin at the end of the fifth trade, trading, MONEY MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR FUTURES TRADERS PO Box 59592 Nauzer Balsara and Cyrus Patel have collaborated to create a program that implements the money management strategies spelled out in Money Management Strategies (the book) on the subject. FOR THOSE ORDERING ARTICLES SEPARATELY: *Note: $2.95-$5.95 Articles are in PDF format only. No Optimal fixed fraction trading FIXED DOLLAR AMOUNT This involves an arbitrary decision, placing one bet (or trading one con-tract) for a fixed amount of account equity.It is probably the simplest,and for that reason, the most common, money management technique. In the coin toss example, we would place one bet for every $2.00 in the account.